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SEED hosts free and exclusive webinars where our senior counselors will help you uncover the strategies and secrets to college admissions.

Take advantage of these opportunity to gain a competitive edge and unlock the doors to your dream schools!  


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Mar 8, 2024, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

<10% Acceptance Rate! How SEED Students Made It To USC and UC Berkeley Early

On March 8th, SEED will invite Student H, who received early notification admission to UC Berkeley, and the parent of Student J, admitted to USC through early action, to join our online webinar. They will share their stories, discuss their college application experiences, and provide advice from a student and a parent who has recently navigated this journey. Watch the webinar recording to gain genuine insights from both the student and the parent!

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Jan 20, 2024, 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Accepted! Yale, UChicago, Northwestern, USC, Purdue (CS) … Unlock secrets to admissions

As of January 2024, our students have been offered admission to their top-choice colleges. Yale, UChicago, Northwestern,USC, Rice, Boston University, Case Western, Purdue University (CS major), Santa Clara University... The list goes on. Some universities have offered our students generous scholarships. 

SEED offered an online webinar to recap the 2023-2024 application season. We shared important info and answered questions during our roundtable discussion, to unlock the secrets to college admissions. 

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May 20 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific Time

2023 UC Application Special

1. A Full Guide to UC Applications
2. Tips on How to Make Your Application Stand Out
3. How to Write UC PIQs (Personal Insight Questions) and provide real writing examples


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April 15, 2023, 7:00 PM Pacific Time

A Recap of 2022-23 Admissions

1. Admissions trends: learn about the latest trends in college admissions and what they mean to your children.
2. Student success stories: see real-world examples of successful college applications and learn how you can make your children's applications stand out.
3. College application tips: get pro tips for crafting a strong college application & essays.


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A Recap of 2022-23 Admission  Webinar Flyer (2).png

Feb 4th, 2023, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

Topic: Start Now Junior! A Roadmap to a winning college application

1. 2022-2023年的大学录取趋势
2. 大学招生官看重的学生特质
3. 11年级学生每月的升学计划表
4. SEED学生案例分析

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August 12th, 2022, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

Topic: UC Application Special - UC申请全知道


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April 23rd, 2022, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

Topic: SEED 2021-2022申请季复盘讲座


Fall 2002年惨烈的申请战况都让我们不得不认识到——时代变了,申请的版图也变了,而审时度势、知道如何应对这些变化尤为重要。SEED老师们结合了学员们的真实案例,总结重要的申请策略和经验,希望能为之后需要申请的家长和学生答疑解惑,提前做好应战准备!

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March 12th, 2022, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

Topic: SEED Student Sharing/SEED学生分享会


我们邀请了去年以全额奖学金入学圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)的SEED学长——Fred同学。已经在Wash U学习了快一年的他,将谈谈大学的校园生活、他对于大学的理解,以及回忆、总结当初大学申请的那些时光。相信可以让您以一个孩子的角度看到大学申请的另一面。

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January 15th, 2022, 7:30 PM Pacific Time

Topic: College Planning and Application - A Recap of 2021-2022 EA/ED Round


We will cover:
1. Student case studies from 2021-2022 EA/ED round
2. The importance and the fundamentals of college planning

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August 14th, 2021, Mandarin+English Webinar

Topic: Everything You Need to Know: College Application Platforms By Ms.Yao and Ms.Susan

"La​test changes in Common App and UC App"

"How to make your online application stand out?"

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July 10th, 2021, Mandarin+English Webinar

Topic: Everything You Need to Know Before You Start Writing

By Dr. Jessica and Ms.Susan


"Is college essay similar to a self-introduction?"

"How important is essay in college application?"

"How to craft a unique college essay?"

"How to get started in writing?"

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June 19th, 2021, Mandarin Webinar

Topic: 后疫情时代,美国大学对“优秀”的重新定义

By Dr. Jessica



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